1 – Premise

All commercial relations between Umbria Gold Food and customers are governed exclusively by the following general conditions of sale, excluding any other agreement, if not agreed in writing, including the insertion of an online order, implies full acceptance of the following conditions.

Any person acting in the name of the customer will represent and commit to Umbria Gold Food, since the customer is directly responsible for the confidentiality and use of their personal password.

2 – Responsibility

Umbria Gold Food declines any responsibility for damages or losses, direct or indirect, deriving from the goods or from the use of the same and from the provision of services as proposed in the catalog published on our site, even for delayed or non-delivery of the product, or for the correspondence of the goods to the specifications published on the website.

3 – Orders

E-commerce orders can only be placed via the Internet (online).

The customer who sends the order via the Internet will receive, at the end of the procedure, a communication confirming that the order proposal has been entered in our information system. Confirmation of order acceptance or rejection of the same (for accounting, administrative or product shortage reasons) comes at a later time by e-mail (E-mail).

At the conclusion of the contract, the order will be stored on our server.

When completing the First Order there are mandatory fields to be filled in; upon returning to our Site (as a Registered User) it will be sufficient to enter the UserID and Password to view your data and possibly modify them. The responsibility for the management of UserID and Password are exclusively and strictly of the Customer who undertakes to immediately notify our Company of any unauthorized use as well as any other violation of the security rules of which he becomes aware. Failing this, the responsibility is always and only of the Customer.

In addition, the user agrees at the end of each session to log out of their account with the appropriate command entered on our Site. Our site is subjected to detailed access control and through the log of the same we will be able to demonstrate any behavioral differences of the Customer and contest them.

4 – Prices

All prices entered on the site are intended as suggested list prices for the end user – VAT included. List prices and discounts may be changed at any time, without prior notice, except for orders that have already been accepted.

5 – Product Availability

Umbria Gold Food does not guarantee the certainty of assignment of the ordered goods, until the order itself is accepted and the acceptance communicated to the customer.

6 – Shipping and Delivery

Shipments, unless otherwise agreed, will be made by carriers defined by Umbria Gold Food. In this case, and only when the shipping cost is charged, the goods travel at the risk of Umbria Gold Food. In case of theft / loss confirmed by the carrier, Umbria Gold Food undertakes to send a new product and, if the same should be unavailable and / or out of stock, it will propose a different product, but with equivalent characteristics, with the option for the customer not to accept this new product and request the issuance of a credit note relating to the product itself.

Transport costs will be estimated at checkout, once the shipping address has been specified.

Delivery to the Customer, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties, will take place on the street level and at the times established by the courier. We do not ship on Saturdays and Sundays.

Deliveries that make exceptional and ancillary services indispensable (eg deliveries to floors, both upper and lower, hydraulic tailgate for grounding bulky packages, etc.) must be strictly agreed upon when placing the order. Therefore, no objection will be accepted subsequently.

7 – Risk and Property

The goods are shipped carriage paid, insured with charge on the invoice.

In the event that the goods were shipped carriage forward, upon the customer’s indication, the risk is to be considered borne by the customer from the delivery of the goods to the carrier at our warehouses.

Upon receipt of the goods, even if the packaging is intact, the customer is required to immediately ascertain the conformity of the goods with the purchase order made. In particular, he must verify the integrity of the goods and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence with what is indicated in the order and in the accompanying document (DDT).

In case of discrepancies or apparent defects, these must be reported under penalty of forfeiture and accepted with reserve, within seven days of delivery of the goods, by email to info@umbriagoldood.com

Any report made after this deadline or in different ways will not be taken into consideration.

The customer will be liable for any damage resulting from false reports and declarations.

8 – Payments

Terms of payment

Pay Pal, Carta di Credito (mediante Servizio PayPal), Bonifico Bancario Anticipato.

The products ordered by the Customer will be kept busy until proof of the transfer has been received, to be sent to Umbria Gold Food (via e-mail) no later than 3 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. The dispatch of the order will take place only when the amount due is actually credited to the account of Umbria Gold Food which must take place within 7 working days from the date of acceptance of the order. Beyond these deadlines, the order will be considered automatically canceled.

The purpose of the bank transfer must include:

  • the order reference number;
  • name and surname of the order holder.

For each order placed, Umbria Gold Food issues an invoice or receipt for the material shipped, sending it by e-mail to the order holder. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No change in the invoice will be possible after it has been issued.

Payments can be made in the forms provided for in the program. If payments are made by credit card, the transaction will be automatically moved, for security reasons, to the website of the credit institution.

The bank details for the transfers will be communicated by e-mail and the shipment of the goods will be made only when we are in possession of the payment.

9 – Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal is regulated by law if the customer-consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number in the order form ) has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason. To exercise this right, the customer must send Umbria Gold Food a communication within 5 working days from the date of delivery of the goods. This communication must be sent by certified e-mail addressed to: becca.nicoletta@pec.it

Note: Customers who purchase with a VAT number cannot exercise the right of withdrawal.

Withdrawal procedure

The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following conditions:

  • The purchased good must be intact and returned in the original packaging, complete in all its parts
  • The shipment, until the certificate of receipt in our warehouse is received, is under the complete responsibility of the customer;
  • Umbria Gold Food is not responsible in any way for damage or theft / loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments.

When the right of withdrawal expires

The right of withdrawal is totally lost, due to lack of the essential integrity of the goods (packaging and / or its contents), in cases where Umbria Gold Food ascertains:

  • Even partial use of the goods and any consumables
  • The lack of the external packaging and / or the original internal packaging;
  • Damage to the product for reasons other than its transport
  • In the cases indicated above, Umbria Gold Food will return the purchased good to the sender, charging the shipping costs to the sender.
  • Customers who purchase with a VAT number cannot exercise the right of withdrawal.

10 – Right of withdrawal fresh products

Pursuant to art. 5 DL 185/1999, the customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without the need to provide explanations and without any penalty within 5 days of receipt of the goods.

By marketing products with a high risk of perishability, Umbria Gold Food also accepts the following conditions:

The customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase of fresh goods at risk of perishability in the event that at the time of opening the package the product is altered or does not have the characteristics specified at the time of purchase.

The right of withdrawal for products at risk of perishability may be exercised by sending, within 24 hours of receipt of the goods, a written communication via our email service to info@umbriagoldfood.com. The communication must indicate the description of the products to be returned. In addition, in order to allow any crediting of the value of the returned goods, the bank details relating to your current account must be indicated.

It will be the responsibility of Umbria Gold Food to collect the goods as soon as the communication is received from the customer and in any case no later than 24 hours in order not to cause further deterioration of the goods.

Umbria Gold Food reserves the right to evaluate the actual deterioration of the fresh product upon return. If the alteration of the product is not found, this will be communicated to the customer and the price paid will not be refunded. The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following conditions:

the shipping costs for returning the goods are borne by Umbria Gold Food

11 – Returns Goods

The return of goods to Umbria Gold Food, in the cases provided for by art. 9 and 12, must be accompanied by the customer’s compilation of a specific request to Umbria Gold Food which will inform the customer about the return procedures.

Return requests must be received in writing within 5 days of receipt of the goods.

Return methods:

  • The goods must be returned to Umbria Gold Food in the ways indicated by us within 7 (seven) days at the address: Viale Firenze, 126 – 06034 Foligno (PG) ITALY.
  • The cost of transport will be at our expense. load with ns. courier in the event that the error is attributable to Umbria Gold Food, in all other cases it will be charged to the customer.
  • The material returned carriage forward will be rejected.

12 – Complaints

Any shipping errors or material shortages must be reported, in writing, according to the methods and terms indicated in point 11.

13 – Guarantees

The purchase of products from Umbria Gold Food implies full acceptance of the warranty conditions provided by the manufacturer.

The customer, therefore, is aware that the purchased goods will be guaranteed by the manufacturer and under the conditions provided for by the same, and therefore accepts, with all reservations removed, all the methods of providing the manufacturer’s warranty.

14 – Processing of Personal Data

Pursuant to Law no. 196/03, the customer acknowledges that the “personal data” communicated and / or exchanged, even in the pre-contractual information phase, will be processed pursuant to, for the effects and for the purposes referred to in art. 12, paragraph 1, letters b), c), d) and f) of Law no. 196/03 and subsequent amendments and additions.

It is also understood that the customer expressly consents to the transfer of “personal data” pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 28 paragraph 4 letter a) of Law no. 196/03 and, in any case, to their communication and dissemination pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 20 paragraph 1 letter a) of the aforementioned law.

15 – Conditions

The conditions contained in this document may be changed without prior notice and will be valid from the date of publication on our website, except for orders already accepted.